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Boat Lift Cost

The cost of the crane is divided amongst all the boat owners as fairly as possible. Ideally, we should just divide the cost of the crane equally amongst each boat owner.

The cost of the crane is billed by Stratford Cranes by the hour from the time the crane leaves the crane yard to the time it returns to the crane yard. The final bill is paid by the club. Some of the crane time is common to all boat owners. This is the travel time to and from the yard and the time to position the crane to lift the boat. We try to minimize the crane moves because of the time needed to move the crane. The remaining time is the time the crane spends specifically on a single boat.

We time the crane lift to determine how much crane time is spent on a single boat from the time the crane is in position to put the slings on the boat until the time the slings are off the boat. The clock starts if the boat is ready or not.

Sips on Slips July 22

This Saturday July 22ndis the first in our series of“Sips on Slips”at the KYC !

What is it?

It is a chance for some socializing and mingling aboard your boat! For those members wishing to participate, we will be offering a pirate pennant flag to tie on your boat to indicate you’re “open” to having visitors stop by for a “sip”. Pennants will be available at the marina office the day of, for those wishing to grab one.

The beverage can be water, something you have created, or something you have in a can or bottle. Up to you!  Marina office has lots of ice on hand for purchase!

Snacks are always welcome and don’t have to be fancy 😊

Start time: 5:30pm

End time:  whenever you take down your pennant flag

Next “Sips on Slips”: July 20th

Marina Update

Greetings all, marina opening activities are going well and see below points with much more to do:

Water is on to our washrooms

Office is cleaned up

amp has been cleared of sand and new walkway to floating docks installed

Longer ramps are in the grass area and will be installed on B & C dock shortly after lift in. I am not sure when they were last used but the decking is rotten and I will fix them soon.

Diesel sales are going well and Cottrils will be buying the last 300 litres early next week.

We have 4 people prepared to help lower A dock the weekend before lift in and looking for 4 more helpers

Piling for the new fuel dock is now on the ground and will be thumped in by dredging contractor

Pre job meeting for dredging is on 11 April.


Kincardine Waterfront Plan

FYI – this will affect the Marina as the plan is to address things such as parking, access to the waterfront, use of the existing parkland etc.

The Municipality of Kincardine continues to work on a Waterfront Master Plan, with a community workshop set for Wednesday, Nov. 2, from 6-7:30 p.m., at the Davidson Centre in Kincardine. The event features a short presentation, followed by group activities.

Those wishing to attend, can register on-line at or call 519-396-3468, Ext. 300.

“Attendance at our August session was great,” said community services director Jayne Jagelewski. “The community is passionate about our waterfront, so registration helps us know how many to expect.”

Kincardine staff and project consultants, plural, are hosting the event, and will present what they’ve been hearing so far, and continue to listen for the values and priorities important to the participants.

“The focus is on one-and-a-half kilometres of waterfront within the municipality,” said Jagelewski. “This will help form a plan that will help us organize and prioritize all waterfront assets. This event is an excellent opportunity for individuals to have input on the long-range vision for these public lands.”

Details and information from the first community engagement session and survey completed in September, are available on-line at