Lift Safety

Boat Lift Safety

Lift-out will be taking place on Saturday, October 5. For those new to lifts at Kincardine Harbor and a reminder for others, here is a brief guide to lift safety.

We ask that volunteers register before lift day. We want all volunteers to attend the pre-job briefing and to wear the appropriate safety vest. For those working with their hands, work gloves are a very good idea.

Only authorized are allowed in the lift area. The boat will be lifted only when the area is clear of everyone except the crane signal-person, the tag line holders and the lift captain.

Everyone must keep their eye on the crane and the load. Avoid getting under the load at all times. Keep clear of the crane, especially when it is moving. The only people authorized to speak with the operator are the lift captain and the crane signal-person.

The tag line holders need to work together to control the boat in the air. Both people on the same side of the boat. Stay clear of the boat overhead. If you need help, ask for it. If your way is blocked, pass the tag line to the lift captain or helper.

The sling crew will consist of 4 people at water level and 2 people in the parking lot. All 4 people must get on the boat to keep the boat level until the slings are supporting the boat. Check the slings are not on the propeller shaft and clear of the rudder. Once the boat is level and supported by the slings, everyone off the boat and clear of the lift area.

As the boat goes onto the cradle, don't adjust pads until the keel is resting on the cradle, unless the owner instructs otherwise. When the boat is on the cradle, the slings must be removed. The sling may have to be broken. Often the sling will be trapped between the boat and the pad. Follow directions to release the sling. The risk of getting a hand crushed between the boat, cradle and sling is high. Be very careful and watch out for the other guy.

Owners are allowed in the lift area only to show where the slings go and at the cradle after the boat is resting in the cradle. Boats with mast up must have the backstay removed as well as the boom topping lift. If there is a risk that the mast will fall with the backstay removed, the boat will not be lifted. The owner is responsible for any damage to the mast.